Making An Impact: Giving Back This Holiday Season & Anytime

At Partake’s core, our mission is to create shareable food that nearly everyone can safely enjoy. The reality is we live in a world where not everyone feels included, and Partake is committed to remedying this as best we can—from the food we create to the partnerships we forge. We believe everyone deserves a seat at the table, whether you’re participating in a holiday meal or pitching your next big idea for a new business venture.
For the 2019 holiday season, we’ve rounded up a list of organizations near and dear to our hearts. They focus on causes that support children, women, and people with dietary restrictions. We're making efforts to do our part in ensuring everyone has access to the tools they need to thrive, regardless of economic status, gender, or dietary restrictions—we hope you'll join us in giving back this season.
Blessings In A Backpack

Did you know?
- 13 million kids in America are at risk of hunger.
- Inadequate nutrition can compromise everything from a child’s health to their IQ, putting them at risk for serious, long-term physical and academic consequences.
- Many children rely on federally funded programs for their school day meals.
What happens to these children once school gets out on Friday?
Partake partnered with Blessings in a Backpack, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization in September 2019 to help provide weekend nutrition to elementary school children in food insecure homes. Blessings in a Backpack feeds over 87,000 children in 1,092 schools in 45 U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia. This amazing program is working to ensure children continue to get the nutrients they need to grow and excel in school and in their lives, even after the bell rings at the end of the day.
We donated $1 for each box of Partake cookies sold at Whole Foods Market during the month of September. We also hosted a Blessing in a Backpack packing event at the Grand Prairie Boys & Girls Club. We packed bags of food (and cookies!) that were immediately distributed to local children in the area. We were joined by family, friends, and special guests like Jesse Holley, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys, and Justin Jackson of the Dallas Mavericks!
We also had some Instagram friends join us in real life: @freezy30, @mechellelewisfreeman, @babies4babies, @dondolobaby, @fitxbrit, @the_well_mom
Thanks to all who made the month of September so impactful and special. Lastly, the money raised will feed approximately 150 kids this school year!
A Call To Act
As a mother, this cause is personal to me. Childhood is meant for love, learning, and fun. Knowing 13 million kids in America live in food-insecure homes both breaks my heart and calls me to act. I am proud that Partake has partnered with Blessings in a Backpack to help feed the future of our country. We are honored to do our part in providing children from all socio-economic backgrounds access to nutritious (and delicious!) foods, because they need and deserve them. If you are passionate about this cause, please visit the Blessings in a Backpack website to find out more information on ways you can be involved.
Small Efforts Amount To Big Change
As a parent of a child with food allergies and a woman of color, I’ve curated a list of additional organizations I am passionate about and would like to call attention to. If you feel inclined, learn more and explore giving back this holiday season (or anytime!).
- Kaboom: 14 million children in America live in poverty, and Kaboom is dedicated to ensuring that all kids, no matter their socio-economic status, have access to safe, community-built playspaces, where they can explore, pretend, and get active.
- Dress for Success: Empowering women to achieve financial independence, Dress for Success provides development tools, attire, and more to help women enter and reenter the workforce.
- Every Mother Counts: Making pregnancy and childbirth safe, Every Mother Counts invests in community-based programming to improve access to quality maternal care for women, everywhere.
- End Allergies Together: End Allergies Together partners with top research institutions to perform promising studies that accelerate food allergy treatments and cures.
Stay tuned—Partake is planning to support more causes just like these through 2020 and beyond. I’d love for you to be a part of it.