No Kidding, Just Kindness

Normally, April 1st is a time for jokes. This year, it landed in the midst of great uncertainty and angst due to the coronavirus. With hashtags like #coronakindness being used tens of thousands of times, we thought everyone could use an extra serving of kindness this April Fools Day.
That’s why we decided to give a year of free Partake cookies to lucky, well-deserving winners— nominated by friends, colleagues, neighbors, and loved ones on our Instagram and Facebook—for spreading kindness to others. In the process, we were blown away by all of the stories from folks nominating others (and themselves!) for acts of selflessness and kind deeds. The outpouring of love was heartwarming.
Now more than ever, our society depends on the kindness of others. The phrase “we’re all in this together” is the unofficial motto of this strange and scary time. If you need a pick-me-up today, look no further than the examples below to show how some people have taken this to heart.

We are so thankful for the members of the Partake Fam who are helping family, friends and strangers get through these times. Whether you are a healthcare worker on the frontlines, an essential worker ensuring we all have food, necessities and public services, volunteering your time to help those in need, or if you’re keeping things together for your family at home—we see you and are inspired by you.
If you want to read all the comments, visit the Instagram post and Facebook post.
With love and kindness,
The Partake Team