Pre-Easter Activities with Partake

Easter has arrived and, this year, the celebrations will be a bit out of the ordinary. With no public egg hunts or group celebrations held by schools, churches or neighborhoods, families will gather together on Zoom rather than over Easter brunches. For the kids (and let’s be honest, the adults as well), it can be a disappointment.
But that doesn’t mean your littles ones have to miss out on all of the Easter fun. With a little creativity, you can still make memories while celebrating at home.
We’ve gathered a few activities you can try out to get into the Easter-holiday spirit, even if you can’t leave your house or apartment.
Cookie Hunt
The Easter Bunny is still working for many families and a home-based egg-hunt is likely on the horizon for you. To get your kiddos in the mood, you can try this fun, pre-Easter activity that comes with a sweet treat for them.
Before snacktime, grab cookies and cupcake liners from your pantry. (Partake cookies are the perfect size for this activity.)
Place a single cookie in multiple cupcake liners and hide them around the house. It’s time for a cookie hunt! (Maybe you can stash a few just for you, too!). Whatever cookie they find, they can eat. Worried about cookie overload? Break cookies in half before placing in liners.
Egg Games
For those who can, dyeing Easter eggs is always a good time. For those with egg allergies, it’s amazing how fun adding stickers and glitter to plastic eggs can be! But the fun doesn’t have to stop there. Now that you’re surrounded by dazzling decorated eggs, put them to good use! A rousing game of “hot egg” – following the rules of hot potato but using your decorated eggs – gives them new purpose. Best of all, it will be sure to bring out a few giggles.
There are many other games for your decorated eggs that work well inside and outdoors. A good old fashioned egg roll in your hallway will work if you have a baseball bat, hockey stick or anything similar. You can also have a spoon race and see who can make it to the end of the hallway first with the egg in their spoon before it drops.
Color Match With Jelly Beans
This game is perfect for preschoolers and also comes with a sweet treat. Simply cut out a large, egg-shaped oval from a sheet of white or cream colored paper. With markers, color in circles all over the paper using the same shades as the jelly beans. Your child can match the jelly beans to the corresponding colors, then enjoy them when they are done (if you can get them to wait that long!).
Even if you can’t go out for Easter this year, you can still plan for Easter-themed fun in the home. With just a few games and special treats, your kids will still have a memorable day spent with their family. We wish all of you a safe and healthy Easter holiday.