Spot Us at Target: Ray Phillips of Soapsox

To celebrate Partake cookies launching at Target stores nationwide and on, we're excited to launch Spot Us at Target. Over the next few weeks, we'll be showcasing some of our go-to Target brands and interviewing their founders to hear their inspirational stories of taking their product from idea to Target shelves.
And the best part? Now through June 15, you can enter to win a prize pack that includes products from some of our favorite brands at Target and a $500 gift card. Learn more and enter HERE.
Today, we're chatting with Ray Phillips of Soapsox. SoapSox began when Ray worked as a Program Director at a residential treatment facility for children who have experienced trauma. Ray found one of the most difficult times of the day was bath time. He created a way to modify stuffed animals to hold soap and Soapsox was born. After nearly two years of development, SoapSox was introduced to the world in 2013 after a successful Kickstarter campaign.
A Q&A with Ray Phillips
How and why did you begin Soapsox? What inspired this venture?
I began SoapSox to help parents solve the problem of challenging bath times and to teach children better hygiene habits. When I worked at a residential treatment center for children of trauma, bathtime was the hardest part of the day. Children would argue, cry, and even hide to avoid taking a bath.
After repeated struggles with one child who could not part with his favorite stuffed animal to bathe, I came up with the idea of modifying it to hold soap. The child was presented with the modified stuffed animal and agreed to bathe.
In the beginning, what were the biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
My biggest challenge was believing that I could create and bring Soapsox to market. To help overcome this, I wrote my goals and took baby steps towards them each day.
What are some of your greatest successes in business and how do you believe you achieved them?
A few of our greatest successes are having our product on the shelves of Target and collaborations between SoapSox and Disney, Paw Patrol, and The Honest Company. We achieved them through persistence and forging ahead with the belief that we had something special to share.
For anyone who has an idea but doesn't know what steps to take or can't find the courage to make it a reality, what would you tell them?
You don’t have to accomplish all of your goals overnight, or in one, three, or five years. It's important to plan, educate yourself on your business, product, competition, and retail landscape. Then start, stay the course, learn, and eventually you will get where you want to be.
What is something exciting on the horizon for you and your company?A
We are working on creating an animated series that is really amazing!Q
What are other brands and founders that you admire? Why?A
I admire Mark and Hanna Lim, the founders of Lollaland, who create modern and innovative infant and toddler goods. They are amazing people who manage a marriage, family, and a business. And they're successful despite the challenges of each.
To learn more about Ray and Soapsox, visit Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Save 10% off your purchase at with code SPOTUS.