6 Delicious Ways to Transform Cookies #NationalCookieMonth

How are we already halfway through National Cookie Month?! There’s no other time when you can eat cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner without feeling guilty, because cookie calories don’t count during this “holiday” month – right? Kidding…maybe. But in all seriousness, cookies are more than just a standalone treat, they are a versatile and multipurpose ingredient that can be used to make so many different treats!
Here are a few of our favorite ways to use cookies:
- Cookie Crumbles – our favorite way to add a little crunch to yogurt, oatmeal, or pudding!
- Cookie Pie Crust – this one’s easy, all you have to do is crush your cookies, combine with butter (or ghee), and line a pie plate! Try our vegan cookie crust cheesecake recipe!
- Cookie Milkshake – cookies and cream is a classic! All you need is dairy free milk and ice. This chocolate chip cookie milkshake is worth the brain freeze!
- Cookie Garnish – move aside Salt Bae, cookies are the new salt! Add a dash of crumbled cookies to pies and cakes for a sweet finishing touch!
- Cookie Butter – like peanut butter, but BETTER. You may have seen this at Trader Joes and it doesn’t last long in our household, but you can easily whip up a jar of cookie butter in 5 minutes! We like to use our Carrot Cake cookies because they pack a cinnamon-y punch (Warning: you might eat the whole jar in one sitting)
- Chocolate Bark – everything is better with chocolate! Just melt some chocolate, spread an even layer on parchment, and pile on your favorite sweet and savory toppings – it’s the best way to clean out your pantry!
What’s your favorite way to eat cookies? Or do you prefer to eat them straight from the jar?!