Holiday Baking Essentials

With each December day that passes, we’re spending more time getting ready for the holidays. From decorating to watching Christmas movies, this holiday season is a welcome respite from the chaos of the world. This year is the perfect time to start new traditions.
One of our favorite traditions here at Partake is close to our heart - holiday baking. Usually the fruits of our holiday baking are enjoyed during parties and festive get-togethers, but this year, we’ll be packing up our goodies in gift bags and sharing with friends and neighbors from afar.
As we start to make our cookies this year, we thought it would be helpful to share the baking essentials we always have on hand. Read on for baking essentials we turn to for festive baking.
Did you know that typical sprinkles are made with artificial colors, preservatives, and other ingredients that have ties to ADHD, allergies and more? Supernatural is changing that with plant-based food colors, dye-free sprinkles, and other creative baking ingredients.
Wholesome creates fair trade, organic, and non-GMO sugars, syrups, agave, and more. Their ingredient lists are full of real and recognizable ingredients. Wholesome is dedicated to sustainable agriculture. Sugar cane fields are green cut and are not burned or treated with any herbicides or fertilizers.
Partake Cookies
When we’re talking baking, we can’t forget our own Partake cookies. Our cookies are gluten free, vegan & allergy-friendly. They’re wonderful by themselves (we’re partial to our festive Vanilla Sugar Cookies) or mixed into some of our favorite recipes. We’ll be making Vanilla Sugar Popcorn Balls and Holiday Cake Pops this year.
Maldon Sea Salt Flakes
Crafted by four generations of salt makers, Maldon sea salt flakes are made by drawing salt from seawater using traditional long-handled rakes and processing it with no artificial additives that creates a pure and clean flavor. If you’ve never tried sea salt flakes on a baked good, you’re missing out. Sprinkle a few flakes on top of freshly out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies and you’re in for a treat.
Oatly is committed to creating the best-tasting, most sustainable oat milk products possible. Oatly mimics nature's own process and turns fiber rich oats into nutritional liquid food that is perfectly designed for humans. The flavor is mild, so it's perfect for holiday baking.